Travel experiences shape MyCorridor solution

//Travel experiences shape MyCorridor solution

Travel experiences shape MyCorridor solution

MyCorridor project is about to start the second phase of tests of the one-stop-shop application for smartphones in semi-real conditions. We sat down with Cornelia Zankl, coordinator for the Austrian pilot site from Salzburg Research, to get some insights and look back on the first pilot tests of the application and the feedback from the 25 participants who tested the MyCorridor app.

“We presented the project to the participants who had to solve a fictional scenario: a trip from the University of Salzburg, located in the city centre, to a  tourism office located in the lakes district, a popular tourist destination approximately 30 km outside of the city”, explained Zankl.

“We evaluated how the participants used the app and planed their trip to the lakes district, which allowed us to test the usability of the app and to assess possible difficulties. Besides the questionnaires filled-in by the participants, observations of the user’s behaviour were gathered by two video cameras that recorded the inputs to the app by the test users and their gestures and facial expressions.” commented Zankl.

During the upcoming summer months Zankl and her colleagues from Salzburg Research will evaluate their test results and incorporate the outcomes of the other pilot sites from the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Italy and Greece into their study. “These evaluations will be used by the developers from CERTH and Chaps to improve the functionalities and usability of the app”.

The second phase of MyCorridor in Salzburg will most likely focus on the specificities of the pilot site. They will include park & ride services offered with public busses, established by the municipality to avoid traffic jams in the narrow streets around the historic home of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Busses and bikes are also the main means of transport for a large number of students, living in the suburbs and towns close to Salzburg.

Additionally, traffic management information will be an essential service of the app, which will support the users with their travel planning in and around Salzburg. Locals and visitors will not only benefit from the MyCorridor app in Salzburg, as Zankl concludes: “The MaaS application might be especially useful, when you travel in a foreign country with unfamiliar mobility offers”.

Stay tuned to learn more about the second phase of MyCorridor. Further information and updates about all pilot sites can be found on Twitter and LinkedIn.

By |2019-07-04T09:04:46+01:00July 4th, 2019|News|0 Comments

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